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Covid 19 Essentials

Track & Trace

Track and Trace is the method of contacting attendees of Academy Events and Training sessions when there is a known or suspected case of Covid 19 amongst the attendees. For additional information on Track and Trace please look at the information on the NHS website FURTHER DETAILS

Track & Trace Protocol

The Academy will collect all necessary contact details for Track & Trace via the Event sign up page. Whilst providing details Track and Trace is voluntary, a Fencer will not be allowed to take part in an Academy Event without providing the necessary details. All details for Track and Trace purposes will be held for 21 days.

You will be asked to provide: Name, Contact Number, Email Address. We will have onrecord the Fencer arrival and departure time and the Fencers' they interacted with.

1. When to Contact the Academy

You should inform the Academy Covid 19 Officer when:

  1. Your Fencer or a Member of the House Hold or some they have been in close proximity with (within 2 meters for more than 15minutes) has Symptons of Covid 19 within 14 days of an Academy Event  SYMPTOMS

  2. Your Fencer or a Member of the House Hold or some they have been in close proximity with (within 2 meters for more than 15minutes) has tested positive for Covid 19 within 14 days of an Academy Event

2. When the Academy will contact you and How

The Academy will contact you when:

  1. They have been informed by an attendee of an Event you or your Fencer attended that they have symptoms or have tested positive for Covid 19 within 14 days since the event. If this happens, you should follow the NHS procedures on testing and isolating NHS PROCEDURE


Data handling will be inline with the Academy GDPR Policy which is available on the Academy Website GDPR POLICY

Risk Assessments & Procedures for Covid 19

All Academy Events and Training Sessions will have specific Risk Assessments. These are completed by the Covid Officer and shared with the appropirate Academy Coaching and Support Team. The Risk Assessment will determine what, who and how and where events and training sessions can take place following Government and British Fencing guidlines. The Risk Assessments will be reviewed monthly or when there is a significant change or incident. Contact the Covid Officer via if you wish to find out more. Part of the Risk Assessments will be a Code of Conduct:

Code of Conduct

All Academy Events and Community Sessions will have a Fencers and Parents (if U18) Code of Conduct that must be read, understood and accepted as part of the online booking page on the Academy website. If you do not accept the Code of Conduct you will not be able to proceed with the booking. Fencer's and Parents must adhere to the mandatory actions in the Code of Conduct. As guidelines change the code of conduct per events/ Academy tems might also change. These will not change during an event or term. Ensure you read each Code of Conduct carefully.

Cleaning Procedures

The Academy will follow the recommended British Fencing Equipment Cleaning Protocols

Contact Details

Covid Officer Contact for Track and Trace  - Paul Davis | | 07867897195

If you have any concern related to Covid 19 or any other welfare issues please contact:

Welfare Officer Maria Faustino | | 07834327596

Returning to Fencing Safely - Guidance for Academy Sessions POSTER

Covid Secure: Welcome

07867 897195

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